What is Angiogram and why it is done?


Angiogram and purpose of doing this test

Best pathology in Lucknow shares a new blog on Angiogram. Do you know what Angiogram is? A coronary angiogram is a test following a procedure that uses X-ray imaging to see the heart's blood vessels. Angiograms are known as heart (cardiac) catheterizations and it is a part of a general group of procedures. Cardiac catheterization procedures used for both diagnose and treat heart and blood vessel conditions. Angiogram is the most common cardiac catheterization procedure.

A type of dye is injected into the blood vessels of your heart during the process that is visible by an X-ray machine. The X-ray machine takes a series of images rapidly and offering a look at your blood vessels.

A slim catheter that is an empty plastic cylinder is strung through the biggest supply route in your body “Aorta” by means of the wrist until it arrives inside the coronary artery of the heart. An extraordinary x-ray beam delicate color is infused and dynamic x-rays are taken of the veins as the differentiation travels through them.

Why is it done?

The Angiogram test is done to observe if there is a restriction in blood flow going to the heart. Your doctor or the best pathology in Lucknow from where you get tested may recommend that you have a coronary angiogram if you have:

·         Chest pain (angina)

·         Ache in your chest, jaw, neck or arm that can't be identified or explained by other tests.

·         Unstable angina that is increasing chest pain

·         Congenital heart disease

·         Noninvasive heart stress test

·         Chest injury or other blood vessel ailments

A critical heart valve problem that needs surgery
